Topic 5 | Deriving liquidity costs and their consequences for management (December 2013)

The management of liquidity risk and the necessary allocation of liquidity costs has gained in importance since the financial crisis – not only due to new regulatory requirements, but also from an economic point of view in bank management. Besides the calculation of the stress capital commitment, this requires the transparent derivation of the [...]

Topic 4 | Transfer prices for amortizing and annuity paying products and consistent presentation of the ALM and P&L result (September 2013)

Interest and liquidity risk management of the banking book by ALM are especially challenging for non-bullet loans or deposits. Using the simple average of reference rates results in undesired customer margin volatilities, due to constant capital repayment until maturity. This drawback may be avoided by using term weighted tranches/reference rates. The article gives an [...]

Topic 3 | Dynamic management of ALM positions with undefined maturity (June 2013)

In a transfer price system, margin stability in the customer business is crucial. This requires risk positions (interest, liquidity) to be manageable by ALM. Using “dirty” transfer price models for managing positions without contractually defined maturity affecting income, may result in substantial problems in hedging and fluctuations of the bank result. The article gives [...]

Topic 2 | Deriving the capital commitment for products with undefined maturity (April 2013)

Setting up a “sound” capital commitment balance is a very important issue in a bank’s current bank management/ALM and governance/compliance. Based on the capital commitment balance, the bank manages the pricing of the customer business (liquidity costs) and the liquidity in ALM; measures the refinancing risk (necessary liquidity buffer) and calculates the liquidity cost [...]


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